Science Confirms it: The Clashindarroch Beast is Real!
Clashindarroch Forest is now confirmed by science to be inhabited by the Clashindarroch Beast. Once thought extinct, this cat is simply breathtaking.

Best Home Exercise Equipment: Top 10 Secret Fitness Weapons
We have found some of the best Amazon exercise equipment, all at very affordable prices. You could even work out while catching up on your favorite TV shows.
How ‘Alien Mummy’ May Shed Light on Genetic Disorders
This perfectly formed “alien skeleton” was found in Chile, and sparked many questions. Genetically, we now know the answers, the truth is stranger than fiction
Teen Saves 17 in Hurricane Harvey Flooding, Wins Congressional Medal of Honor
Virgil Smith was only 13, just barely a teen, when his quick thinking saved 17 lives during the wettest hurricane to hit Texas, in history. Best. Story. Ever.
Labrador Retrievers are Still #1, But they Have Some Pretty Surprising Competition
Americans are obsessed with their dogs, for good reason. But, what are the most popular breeds in the country, and why?
Greatest Weather Forecast EVER! 6-Year-Old Debuts as Weatherman
Carden Corts is an internet sensation with this perfect weather-man video. Although he is not a “real meteorologist” you are gonna love this little dudes’ presentation more than cake.
Mr. Rogers Documentary is Coming, And We Are Thrilled
Mister Rogers will forever remain an enigma for those who grew up with the show. He was kind, made friends with everyone and was generally cared about everyone. The documentary is a great way to give back to a man who helped teach us about ourselves and the world around us.
Protect Your Facebook Privacy with These Killer Pro Hacks
You have heard about the new Facebook privacy issues. Need to know how it may affect you, or how to protect your privacy? Here’s everything you need to know.
Man Kicked out of McDonald’s for Feeding a Homeless Human Being
Did you know, you can get kicked out of McDonald’s for feeding a homeless person? It happened to this man. Yossi Gallo probably thought he was doing something good, when he invited James Davis, a homeless man, to share a meal.
Beer Yoga: Homer Simpson Meets Inner Peace?
Beer yoga? Yes, this is the latest trend in yoga, and we are going to tell you everything you need to know. But did you know there is also, hot yoga, boxing yoga, and even goat yoga out there?
The Best Camping Gear On Amazon, All In One Place
Avid campers know that the right camping gear can mean the difference between a true getaway and an endurance test. We’ve saved you some time by creating this list of the best camping gear on Amazon
Errant Hippo Found in Mexico: No One Knows Where He Came From
Hippos have long fascinated humans around the world. Referred to as the “river horse," the name given to them by the Greeks, it is surprising, to say the least, to see one in Mexico. They are native to Africa, spending most of their lives beneath rivers and lakes....
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