by Michael Broussard | Dec 2, 2016 | Other
By now, the news of Elon Musk’s plan to blast humanity into space to colonize Mars isn’t even news anymore. Call it crazy or call it ambitious, Musk has a grand vision and following the development of this vision is surely going to be interesting. We still have...
by FabWeb Editorial | Jul 9, 2016 | New, Other
My friends Dana and John perfectly practice what the Rev. Jack King referred to as “scruffy hospitality.” Their kitchen is small. The wood cabinets are dark and a few decades old. Spices and jars for sugar and flour line the countertops because...
by FabWeb Editorial | Jul 6, 2016 | New, Other
Using the nuclear dating method of Dr. W.D. Urry. from the Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C., scientists discovered that Antarctica’s rivers, sources of fine-dispersed deposits, were flowing as depicted on The Orontius Finaeus map, about 6,000 years ago. About...
by FabWeb Editorial | Jul 3, 2016 | New, Other
With the awakening continuing to speed up in our world, it seems that information continues to spill out of the darkness and into the light more and more with each passing week. Whistle-blowers continue to come out and speak of what they know; both on a micro-scale...
by FabWeb Editorial | Jul 3, 2016 | New, Other
A unique opportunity has just come onto the market for those who have always wanted to rule over their own personal village. Castello di Sismano, a heavily fortified castle with its own village, is up for sale in Todi, Italy, and at $US8.3 million ($10.8) million it’s...
by FabWeb Editorial | Jul 2, 2016 | New, Other
With a known written history extending to about 4,000 BC, it becomes easy to understand that very few answers have actually been found to questions regarding humanity’s overall existence. It’s even easier to understand that, because humans have been in constant...