We frequently hear stories about people who leave their jobs for the opportunity to travel.
But American girl Kiersten Rich got one after the other: she found a way to travel the world and get paid for it. She has already been to more than 50 countries and is planning to continue her journeys. Kiersten posts her colorful photos on Instagram and writes about her travels in a personal blog.

In 2011, Kiersten realized that being an office employee in a large company is not what she aspired to do.

She quit her job to fulfill her ultimate dream to see the world.

Kiersten was not afraid of difficulties: she took a risk and followed her heart.

During her travels, Kiersten started a blog with travel tips.

Owing her fame to her blog and Instagram account, where Kiersten posts the most eye-catching pictures, she has become a real sensation.

That’s how a hobby turned into a lifetime project and started to turn a profit.

Kiersten is enjoying her life, doing what she truly loves.

It comes as no surprise that people are curious and keep track of Kiersten’s journeys.

She shares stories of the most awesome tourist destinations,

publishes recipes of the tastiest local dishes,

and just has fun in everything she does!

Kiersten proved that we can and should do what we truly love!


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