According to the experts, little help from the diet can give our immune system a hand when it comes to wiping out cancer. The foods we put in our mouth may activate certain codes that stimulate the enzymes and proteins which are able to zap all types of cancer in the body. The 10 foods outlined below are proven to help the immune system scan the body, detect the cancer cells, and obliterate them.

  1. Hemp

Its ability to stimulate the production of more melatonin makes hemp extremely effective in combating cancer cell formation. Even though melatonin is known for its ability to regulate the normal sleep and wake cycles, it slows down and stops cancer cell growth as well. It has been scientifically shown that melatonin is especially effective in preventing cancers linked to the reproductive system.

  1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been long used by folk healers for treating many different maladies. According to many studies, mushrooms contain many compounds with anti-cancer properties. In addition, experts explain that mushrooms are especially efficient in strengthening the immune system.

  1. Cruciferous Vegetables

It has been said that diet rich in kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower can prevent cancer. This is due to the glucosinolate, a compound which activates certain compounds with anti-cancer properties. These active compounds stop cancer formation, prevent metastasis, and promote cancer cell death.

  1. Sea Vegetables

Due to the fact that they are abundant in antioxidants, sea vegetables, such as nori, wakame, arame, and kombu, are known to be great cancer-fighting agents. It has been scientifically shown that these vegetables are especially good at preventing and fighting colon cancer, even though they are amazing when it comes to other types of cancer as well.


  1. Turmeric

Curcumin, the active compound of turmeric has amazing antioxidant properties. Curcumin is shown to suppress oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are contributing factors to cancer cells. Curcumin has been proven to work even more effectively than couple of pharmaceutical drugs which are commonly used for this purpose.

  1. Garlic

It is a well-known fact that garlic has the ability to positively affect the overall health. However, few people know that it is an amazing cancer-fighting agent. It has been shown that DADS or diallyl disulfide, a compound found in garlic, helps prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition, it encourages cancer cell death and it neutralizes free radicals.

  1. Green Tea

This beverage is high in epigallocatechingallate or ECGC, the most powerful catechin present in green tea. Catechin provides support to the cardiovascular system and it suppresses inflammation. This is really important, as inflammation often triggers the formation of cancer cells.

  1. Chlorophyll

Even though most people known that chlorophyll helps plants make their food, only a few people are familiar with the fact that this potent substance has the ability to obliterate cancer cells as well.  It contains two cancer-fighting sources- spirulina, which boosts the immune system and it allows it to fight cancer more effectively, and chlorella, a compound which neutralizes heavy metals.

  1. Tomatoes

Lycopene, a potent antioxidant found in tomatoes, prevent and combats cancer cells effectively. In addition, it prevents inflammation, conditions which are associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer development.

  1. Red Grapes

Last but not least, red grapes contain resveratrol,  a proven cancer-fighting agent. This compound has several functions, including the following:

  • Promotes liver health, which in turn allows it to work efficiently, detoxify the body, and prevent cancer.
  • Stimulates the production of cyclooxygenase-2 or CoX-2 which is proven to aid reduction of cancer cells in the body


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