Often photos are just photos, which don’t carry an important information. But sometimes it is more than just photo, it brings a deep-deep story.

Goose takes care of the blind dog.

Last year, a dog named Buck, who lives in Lublin, became blind. Fortunately, four-year old goose, named Buttons  came to help.

Dustin Carter. At a young age, he suffered from the blood disease, because of which he lost on the part of all four limbs. He joined the school wrestling team, hard work and daily training paid off in high school.

Faithful cat every day brings gifts on the grave of the owner

Cat, named Toldo, brings gifts on the grave of the host, who died in September 2011, for all subsequent years.

Tomb of the Catholic woman and her husband, a Protestant (Netherlands, 1888).

Dog called Kabanga, who saved his two young housewives from under the wheels of a motorcycle in February 2012 in the town of Zamboanga in the Philippines conducted an operation to restore part of the muzzle, which has lost a brave homeless, being under the wheels of the car.

A veteran of World War II found the tank, on which he fought the entire war. The car was in the small town as a monument.

During the floods in the Indian city of Cuttack, a resident of the flooded village bears, saves a couple frightened kittens (2011).

Greg Cook hugs his dog, found in the ruins of his destroyed house after a tornado (2012).

The guy finds out that his brother was killed.

Kid worried about mother, who had an operation.

Experimenting on animals – large scale business. Tens of millions of animals used for laboratory research.

Avoid cosmetics that are tested on animals.

Alcoholic father and his son.

Beaten child.
Love and take care of children. They are our future. Give them love!

Birth of a child – a miracle.

This cat rescued a newborn baby.

Erin Jessup crying, holding a cat rescued by firefighters from her burning house in Berriville, Virginia.

12-year-old Brazilian boy is playing at the funeral of his school teacher.

Life after the war in Sudan, Tom Stoddart.

The story of Christian the lion quite symbolic and this is an example of loyalty and friendship of a lion and human, streaked in spite of everything through the years.

Large predators are likely to be at odds in the wild, in captivity became best friends.

A blind dog got a guide dog.
One day because of the serious illness of vets had to remove snow-white mastiff Lily’s eyes, hardly anyone thought that his life would still be full.

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